Home » PuzzlesSuper Mega SolitaireThere’s a reason why Solitaire is one of the world’s most popular card games. Ready for a few rounds?Mouse ControlsDaily Solitaire BlueBattleship WarSpider SoliSolitaire 3Solitaire 2Ace of the PileButterfly Kyodai 2Super Mega SolitaireFGP SolitaireFGP Pyramid SolitaireFreecell Solitaire 2017KlaverjassenLightning CardsAlgerijns PatienceSolitaire 1Moorhuhn SolitaireMountain MindStraight 4Free WordsMaster CheckersJigsaw DeluxeMaster ChessDomino BlockClassic BackgammonBoat BattlesHexagoneMahjong DeluxeGolf Solitaire: a funny card gameSpider Solitaire OriginalSolitaire HDNine Mens Morris2048 Cuteness EditionMastermindPyramid SolitaireWordokuPipe BeerTriPeaks SolitaireGame of the GooseSnake and LaddersSuperheroes 1010Mahjong Solitaire DeluxeMushy MishyGovernor Of Poker 2Jungle GemsRoyalDice JourneyPatience SolitairePyramidSolitaireWordSearchSolitaire FortuneWord Finder Board GameBackgammonia, Free Online Backgammon GamSpiderette SolitaireQuash BoardReversi GameThe MazeYacht Dice GameStar SmashMonster Go!Amazing Klondike SolitaireAmazing FreeCell Solitaire